Urban Hub Collective

by Patrizia Madau

3 December 2015 — 15 December 2015



URBAN HUB COLLECTIVE “Please leave your world here” – Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini 4, Milan

performing artists:
Angelo Pacifico, Roberto Marsella, Grace Zanotto, Donatella Izzo, Paolo Mezzadri, Riccardo, Bonfadini, Furio Agiman

Urban Hub Collective is a laboratory and creative fulcrum where artistic research projects come together that investigate the changes in everyday life, a prodigious box of artists, works, harmonies, countries, cities, messages and looks.

At the Fabbrica del Vapore, old cisterns and open space host new proposals, a maze of fancy: Angelo Pacifico, Roberto Marsella, Grace Zanotto, Donatella Izzo, Paolo Mezzadri, Riccardo, Bonfadini, Furio Agiman, interpret and describe the changes in society, with irony and profound reading they transform this new vision of urban living into a work of art.

Their message between past, memory and present wants to be an invitation to reflection.

In a context where information travels fast and where physical mobility slows down, cities become a refuge for geographically and culturally distant peoples, where everyone leaves a trace of its passage, where everything is contaminated by cultures and knowledge they continuously mix creating a new language, changing the perception of space and distances.

The exhibition presented and curated by Tallulah Studio is the first result of a series of meetings that will take place on this theme.


Artists identities:

Riccardo Bonfadini

Through shrewd associations of ideas, literary aphoristic tasted incentives and the use of simple materials and objects in the everyday sense of the term, Bonfadini plays up alienating signals that the society itself brings. His Manifesti and his volume-sculptures become so hugely popular advertising réclame, real viral messages to a consumerist society, now actually already consumed by events. With these tools, he attracts to himself the contemporary yoke of a promotional to all costs Art, through the amused presentation of a product that does not yet exist but that will be!
In the belief that the idea of the artwork is enough to make that the artwork itself can be said to be marketable, he proposes an irritating version of it, relying on intuition, common sense and a certain shrewdness of mind that are not so bad.

Paolo Mezzadri

Through a sensitive sculptural path, Mezzadri plays with apparent lightness with the dualistic principle of the universe and its constant transformation properties. Through the use of iron material, his sculptures appoint to reflection the protective qualities of the oxidative process to which the matter itself is subject. Through appearances and contents sometimes naturalistic (Ciuo), other
times deeply symbolic (La Perfetta), now of an high communicative impact (Pensieri Alti), in the identification of a human being, fortified in his thoughts and in line with his ambitions and promises, both retained or subtracted.

Furio Agiman

He founded the photo agency LUCKYMAT in New York. Then he moves to live nine years in Los Angeles and never stop (after this experience, buy a boat, face the Ocean, not the Navigli …). Today he is also involved in art design. In his photographic compositions, layered in tree bark, there are allegories, bewilderments, epiphanies and sudden melancholy.

Donatella Izzo

Donatella Izzo (1979) Lives and works in Milan. She began her career as a painter but immediately photography is the starting point for all her work: the artist founds art and technology in a subtle and elegant dialogue that allows her to obtain important prizes and awards since the early years of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera where she studied.